Prof. Nelia Cruz-Sarcol,Founder and CEO of the Centre for International Education or CIE, talked
Another Pearl Principle Fellow, Jay O. Tabaña, Outreach Leadership Trainor of the Lighthouse
The last speaker was the Executive Director of the Pearl Principle, Virgilio Y Paralisan of the Centre for International Education. Mr. Paralisan went directly to the introduction of the concept
Pearl Principle Enterprises respond to a social need. It is managed professionally. It has a successful model and a plan based on CIE's own success. Pearl Principle Enterprises lend themselves to replication. These social enterprises are created to be profitable and hence sustainable.
More than thirty participants to the forum were inducted by Ernesto "Boogie" Boydon, President of Ang Bagong Pinoy, before the forum ended. The induction happen right after the forum because the participants requested that they be inducted on that very occasion. The forum ended with prizes raffled off to lucky participants of the forum. The newly inducted members of the Ang Bagong Pinoy will have their first membership meeting on July 1, 2006, at the Centre for International Education.
Get details of the meeting from Virgilio Paralisan or Malou Tan-Wong by calling (6332) 4127622 or 2332566.
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